Thursday, June 5, 2008

Move over Jenny Craig, you fat bitch.

This is this... I forget I open them! Yeah, yeah... So that's crazy. I spend a ton of time on the computer, because I'm a nerd, and I forget that I have a blog.

So here's the haps for now. I've been sticking to my diet. Hallelujah! I'm amazed that I've been doing so well... So I started at 220. This morning when I stepped on the scae I grinned wide as the weight stared back at me. No kidding. Not even close to joking, it said... Drum roll please. 160. That's right. I've lost a whopping 60 pounds. So I do have a lot to go. I'm thinking about 35 more pounds, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna say that I'm not jumping for joy and amazed that Ive managed to lose so much weight.

I'm still dropping about 3 pounds a week. I've come to the comclusion. A very simple conclusion and something that you woud think that everyone would understand this and follow the simple rule of thumb. What you take in, you have to burn off. Yup. I'm a fucking genius, right?

I'm not doing Weight Watchers. I'm not doing Jenny Craig. I'm not doing Atkins or some bullshit fruit or veggie diet. I'm just keeping my calories low and working out everyday. Whoda thunk it was such a simple solution? Looks like I wont have to cut a chunk of my belly out after all. Well, unless I decide to get a tummy tuck after I lose the rest of my weight. The little flappy thing bothers me. My back fat is gone, which is really cool, and my legs look afuckingmazing, but theres this little flap thing on my stomach that reminds me of a less drastic version of the one that what's his face has in Click.

So that's about it for now. Man, I have to remember I have this blog. I do keep a journal that I write in daily. I'm thinking I might just type it all out and post it here so I have something to look at when I need some inspiration. I also want to map out my meals on here. I do write what I'm gonna eat out, every week at the start of the week. So it would be good for other people to be able to see what got this weight off of me. Maybe someone else will follow my crappy, and probably unhealthy diet plan and lose just as much. It might not be the best thing to cut a lot of calories out, but I've also read that losing 3 pounds a week, is A GOOD THING.

I'll be back! Toodles.

PS. Thank you to Curves. They've really been a great support system and I love working out there.